Making a first-aid Kit for your Baby?
It is important to have a first-aid kit in an easy to find location for both you and future baby sitters.
Be prepared for all of your baby's minor aches and illness with this list.
_ Baby nail clippers
_ Cotton balls (don't use swabs to clean baby's nose or ears)
_ Baby thermometer
_ Bulb syringe/ nasal aspirator
_ Medicine dropper
_ Infant acetaminophen (Tylenol)
_ Saline nasal drops
_ Baby gas drops
_ Petroleum jelly and sterile gauze (for circumcision care)
_ Antibiotic cream
_ Disinfecting hand soap: for you!
It is always a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand. This checklist contains everything you will need when traveling with your baby to help you deal with minor problems. If you are unsure about something or have any questions, call your Pediatrician.
Store all kits in a lunch box, zippered bag, or something like a tackle box and keep them out of reach of curious babies and children. Many items of the first-aid kit can be hazardous.
The most important items in your kit may be contact information. Securely tape, glue, or staple the following contact information to the inside of your kit:
Emergency Contact- Names and Numbers
_ Pediatrician or family doctor.
_ Local Hospital.
_ Poison Control Centers' national emergency hotline (800) 222-1222
_ Two closest neighbors and/or family members (in case of an emergency; such as childcare for an older sibling or a ride to the hospital)
First-Aid Kit
I'm making a first-aid kit for baby. What should I include?
Be prepared for all of your baby's minor aches and illnesses with this list.
_ Baby nail clippers.
_ Cotton balls ( don't use swabs to clean baby's nose or ears).
_ Baby thermometer.
_ Bulb syringe/ nasal aspirator.
_ Medicine dropper.
_ Infant acetaminophen ( Tylenol).
_ Saline nasal drops.
_ Baby gas drops.
_ Petroleum jelly and sterile gauze ( for circumcision care).
_ Antibiotic cream.
_ Disinfecting hand soap: for you!
(if recommended by your Pediatrician)
_ Rehydration fluids (such as Pedialyte) to rehydrate children with diarrhea.
_ Prescription Medication, Asthma inhaler, or Epinephrine injector if your child is allergic to bee stings, peanuts, shellfish, or if your baby has some other type of life-threatening allergy.
(American Medial Association's "Handbook for First-Aid and Emergency Care" can be purchased here)